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Tips for future car racers

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Start the engine either by turning it over or by electronic ignition. The motor should already be started by the time the announcer comes over the PA. Give it some gas to get her warm. Just keep an eye on the temp and be sure all gauges are working properly.
Racing sports cars means running 500 to 1000 horsepower, you can just imagine the g- forces that are in all that power. Many secrets for additional horsepower are turbo or bigger turbo. If you slide out when racing that means to much power for the track and need to tune before racing.

Racing with an automatic transmission over a standard in racing is not recommended. Usually this is for the rookies if they can’t shift on their own. Usually people who have been racing like to race with a Manuel because of the feel they get when downshifting then boosting back up to 8grand. Track cars or bracket cars can be used as automatics but when it comes to drag racing and drifting its all about the standard.

When you are racing sometimes it is hard or unavoidable to skid the wall. This is not a cause for alarm but should be taken seriously. If you are an experienced driver or racer then you are probably already fine with the wall but in drifting its different you’re sliding towards the wall at about 60 mph trying to drift parallel to it. It can get very insane at times when you see someone’s rear come within an inch of the wall and they drift it perfectly.

Always stay beneath the white lane at 100mph or over this is just so other racers can avoid crashes and crashing into one another. After you have made speed with others and are at speed you can begin drafting again.

Keep your eyes on the road or track at all times. Be steady and don’t let your hands ever slip off the wheel while making a fast turn or while drifting this can result in a crash injury or fatality.

Part of being careful and focused also knows that there is an emergency button on every sports car when it is being raced. It is usually in the middle of the dash where the driver can easily reach it and punch it. This button will automatically tell the cars ECU to shut down the cars motor.

Keep in mind that in a bad situation the sports car can still be driven but it isn’t a good idea since most sports cars being raced today are running with injected fluids such as methanol or alcohol.


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